Channel Messaging

The user can share his ideas and opinion through messaging in the channel. In this conversation, members and creators of the channel will be included. The creator can limit the number of members accessing the content in the conversation. Have a look at a few steps of having a conversation through messaging.

    • After successful sign-in/sign-up, you will be shown the list of channels created by you as shown in Fig: 1.1 listed below..
Fig 1.1
    • Tap on the channel. This will take you to the channel where you can see the uploaded videos and messages sent by members of the channel as shown in figure 1.2 listed below.
Fig 1.2
    • If you have any updates you can share them by tapping on the text box and sending it as an update related to the channel. Other members can react according to their wishes. You can add or ask any query related to the topic in form of video or audio as shown in figure 1.3 listed below.
Fig 1.3