Forgot Password

Forgot password is the action of invalidating the current password for an account on a website, service, or device, and then creating a new one.

1. How to set an account password?

Note:Forgot password is the action of invalidating the current password for an account on a website, service, or device, and then creating a new one.

1.1 Navigate to sign in screen

  • Click on sign in with the Email button as shown on Fig: 5.1 listed below. You will navigate to sign on screen. Now you can click on the forgot password button .
Fig 5.1
  • After that you will navigate to the forgot password screen as shown on Fig: 5.2 listed below.
  • Now you will enter your email address or mobile number and click on submit button as shown on Fig: 5.3 listed below.
Fig 5.2 Fig 5.3
  • After that you will navigate to the reset password screen and fill all the details as shown on Fig: 5.3 listed below and click on submit button. Your password reset successfully.
Fig 5.4