Browse Topic

Choose Categories,communities and topics to describe your Expertise and connect you to users. Experts add multiple expertise in your profile and connect to the many users you follow a few steps to choose categories, communities and topics.

1. How to browse topics?

Note: You have successfully sign in / sign up before going to the user choose topic screen. Here are some of the steps listed below to navigate to the home screen.

    • After successful sign in / sign up you will navigate to the FeeMe home screen as shown on Fig: 1.1 listed below after that you tap on the top left FeeMe logo.
    • After tapping on the top left FeeMe logo, The new screen appears where you can choose the topic by clicking on the choose topic button as shown on Fig: 1.2 listed below.
Fig 1.1 Fig 1.2
    • After that you will navigate to choose the topic screen as shown on Fig: 1.3 listed below.
    • Now you can select the category, community and topic you will navigate to the topic screen as shown on Fig: 1.4 listed below
Fig 1.3 Fig 1.4

1.1. How to bookmark your topics?

      • From the topic screen click on add bookmark button as shown on Fig: 2.1 listed below.
Fig 2.1
    • A confirmation popup will appear by tapping the ok button you can see your selected topic in the bookmark screen as shown on Fig: 2.2 or Fig: 2.3 listed below.
Fig 2.2 Fig 2.3