Set my expertise price

FeeMe is that platform that not only binds learners of the different fields but also facilitates users to be an expert other than what they want to learn. You can add your expertise by filling in your educational details. Let's have a look at the process to add your expertise.

1. How to set my Expertise price?

Note: Users who have added themselves as an expert can make their knowledge worthwhile by setting the price of answers to queries that are asked of them by other users.

    • After successful sign in / sign up you will navigate to feeMe home screen as shown on Fig: 1.1 listed below after that you have to tap on the top right user profile icon.
    • After tapping on the user profile icon, a dropdown will appear. Now click on setting option as shown on Fig: 1.2 listed below.
Fig 1.1 Fig 1.2
      • A new screen will appear now click on expertise tab screen as shown in Fig: 1.3 listed below.
      • After that you can see my expertise screen. Select a topic and click on dollar icon as shown in Fig: 1.4 listed below.
Fig 1.3 Fig 1.4
      • Tile will expand after that tap on text price or any other icon to set your expertise price as shown in Fig: 1.5
      • A set price popup will appear where you can set your reply price and click on update button as shown in Fig: 1.6
Fig 1.5 Fig 1.6